Results for 'Martine Courant Rife'

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  1. Why Kairos matters to writing: A reflection on its intellectual property conversation and developing law during the last ten years.Martine Courant Rife - 2006 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11 (1).
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    Ernst Cassirer: culture et totalitarisme.Angèle Rouillaux Martin - 2016 - Fontaine: Éditions ThoT.
    Ernst Cassirer est un philosophe juif allemand, contemporain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Auteur majeur pour l'histoire de la pensée occidentale, il est cependant resté dans l'ombre de Heidegger pendant de nombreuses années. Sa philosophie, centrée sur la question de la culture et du politique, trouve dans la forme symbolique du mythe une explication à la naissance du totalitarisme. Dans une démarche critique, Cassirer analyse l'apparition du mythe totalitaire en Allemagne comme une crise culturelle ayant engendré par la suite une (...)
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    Cours de philosophie du droit.Alphonse Barthélemy Martin Boistel - 1899 - Paris,: A. Fontemoing.
    Ce livre offre un examen approfondi des principes philosophiques qui sous-tendent le droit. Il explore les principaux courants de la pensée juridique, y compris le positivisme, le naturalisme et le réalisme juridique, et est une ressource indispensable pour les étudiants en droit et les philosophes du droit. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United (...)
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    Histoire culturelle et Cultural Studies : une rencontre longtemps différée.Laurent Martin - 2019 - Diogène n° 258-259-258 (2-4):25-37.
    L’histoire culturelle « à la française » entretient des liens de proximité et d’affinité avec les Cultural Studies. Approche constructiviste et compréhensive du social, prédilection pour des objets peu considérés dans la hiérarchie culturelle, intérêt pour les phénomènes de médiation ; ces courants ont également en commun l’indétermination de leurs frontières et les critiques qui visent leur succès universitaire et éditorial. Mais d’importantes divergences existent aussi, que cet article recense et tente d’éclairer. Il explique d’abord pourquoi l’histoire culturelle et les (...)
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    Martin Buber and Ludwig Feuerbach (in Czechoslovakian).Ivan Dubsky - forthcoming - Filosoficky Casopis.
    Dans l'etude comparative il est demontre, comment et a quelle mesure la philosophie de Ludwig Feuerbach a conditionne la pensee de Martin Buber; tous les deux sortent de la these que toute la philosophie doit etre essentiellement anthropologique, pour tous les deux le principe dialogique est determinatif (Moi ne devient que par Toi, la distance originelle de Moi et Toi determine l'etre humain dans le monde). Mais Buber est distant de la determination de l'homme par Ludwig Feuerbach, suivant laquelle l'homme (...)
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    Histoire, langage et art chez Walter Benjamin et Martin Heidegger.Mathias Giuliani - 2014 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    English summary: The present work demonstrates the important influence of Heidegger on the philosophical thought of Walter Benjamin, on his philosophy of history, as well as his philosophy of art and language. Concentrating on the formative periods for both philosophers, the work examines their early education, as well as the interlacing of the philosophy of art and history in their concept of art. The final section treats works by both philosophers on the philosophy of art from their early years. French (...)
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    Idealism and Objectivity: Understanding Fichte's Jena ProjectWayne M. Martin Collection «Studies in Kant and German Idealism» Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 1997, xx, 177 p. [REVIEW]Claude Piché - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (1):196-199.
    Comme l’indique le titre, c’est l’idéalisme qui est retenu pour solutionner le problème de l’objectivité, encore que le dogmatisme se présente tout naturellement comme le premier candidat. En effet, la tentation est grande d’expliquer cette nécessité qui accompagne la représentation par une «cause» extérieure, en l’occurrence par l’objet qui affecte. Ce qui signifie toutefois une rechute dans le naturalisme. Il est donc exclu pour Fichte que la représentation de l’objet puisse être issue d’une chose en soi affectant le sujet. Au (...)
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    Les deux versants de la pensée. A propos du livre de Jean Grondin: Le tournant dans la pensée de Martin Heidegger.Jean-François Mattéi - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (4):675-.
    Si les interprétations de ce qu'il est convenu de nommer la « dernière philosophie » de Heidegger sont aujourd'hui monnaie courante, non sans risque d'inflation parfois quand on les lie sans précaution à l'engagement politique de l'auteur de Sein und Zeit, personne pourtant n'avait jusqu'ici pris le risque d'aborder la question controversée du « tournant » de front. Les différences évidentes entre un Heidegger I, parti de la phénoménologie pour revenir à une « ontologie fondamentale », et relevant encore à (...)
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  9. Pseudonormal vision.Martine Nida -Rümelin - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (2):145-157.
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    Grégoire d’Elvire et le Commentaire sur la Genèse de Victorin de Poetovio.Martine Dulaey - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):203-219.
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  11. Koulechov: de l'experience à l'effet.Martine Joly & Marc Nicolas - 1986 - Iris 4:69.
  12. The symbolization of culture: Nietzsche in the footsteps of Goethe, Schiller, Schopenhauer and Wagner.Martine Prange - 2006 - In Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.), The paths of symbolic knowledge: occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Leeds, UK: Maney.
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    Increased metabolic activity in the septum and habenula during stress is linked to subsequent expression of learned helplessness behavior.Martine M. Mirrione, Daniela Schulz, Kyle A. B. Lapidus, Samuel Zhang, Wayne Goodman & Fritz A. Henn - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  14. Acción.Martine Leibovici - 2020 - In Á. Lorena Fuster (ed.), Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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  15. A project on public philosophy: mapping the external mind.Martine Lejeune - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (1).
    A comprehensive excursion, into anthropology, ethnography, linguistics, social and political science lead me to the conclusion that human societies are ruled by systems of shared concepts, and that these systems of thought function as a kind of public or external mind, which produces and maintain the social forms of life. Taking into account the fact that philosophy originally - in ancient Greece - was a ‘public affair’, I came up with the idea that philosophy should try to map the public (...)
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    L'Apocalypse revisitee.Martine Nardin - 2007 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 129 (3):371-387.
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  17. Gulliver goes to the movies : screen size, scale, and experiential impact : a dialogue.Martine Beugnet & Annie van den Oever - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Contributions of emotional state and attention to the processing of syntactic agreement errors: evidence from P600.Martine W. F. T. Verhees, Dorothee J. Chwilla, Johanne Tromp & Constance T. W. M. Vissers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Indeterminacy and Intelligibility.Brian John Martine - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Continuing the investigation in his earlier Individuals and individuality, Martine (philosophy, U. of Alabama) demonstrates that indeterminacy in our experience is logically bound to the determinate dimensions of thought and practice.
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  20. Domestic work and the construction of socialism in the USSR, as reflected in contemporary time-budget surveys.Martine Mespoulet - 2015 - Clio 41:21-40.
    Après la révolution d’Octobre 1917, la transformation des rapports sociaux entre les sexes a été placée au cœur du projet bolchevik de construction du socialisme en Russie. De nouvelles formes d’organisation de la vie domestique, du travail et de la société transformeraient les relations entre les hommes et les femmes. Afin que les femmes puissent participer à égalité avec les hommes aux activités de production et de la sphère publique, il était indispensable de libérer les femmes des tâches domestiques en (...)
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  21. Deuxième partie. État des lieux. Le cinéma.Martine Chaudron et Nathalie Heinich - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.), De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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    Three Illustrated Prose Lancelots from the same Atelier.Martine Meuwese - 1999 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 81 (3):97-125.
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    Ethical Aspects of the Economics of Prevention.Martine Bungener - 1985 - In Spyros Doxiadis (ed.), Ethical issues in preventive medicine. Hingham, MA: Distributors for United States and Canada. pp. 42--45.
  24. De quel langage intérieur Hobbes est-il le théoricien?Martine Pécharman - 2009 - In Joël Biard (ed.), Le langage mental du Moyen Âge à l'Âge Classique. Peeters Publishers. pp. 265-291.
  25. Beig inside: Putting representation, body and world together again.Pascual F. Martíne-Freire - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:39-50.
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    The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church and the World of Work.Renato Raffaele Martine - 2009 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 6 (1):263-267.
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    From Typical Areas to Random Sampling: Sampling Methods in Russia from 1875 to 1930.Martine Mespoulet - 2002 - Science in Context 15 (3):411-425.
  28. Alchimie du verbe dans «la gangue et le feu» et «mémoire de rien».Martine Renouprez - 2009 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 122:285-288.
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    Mapping parameters of meaning.Martine Sekali & Anne Trévise (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The present volume contains a selection of papers presented at the conference Mapping Parameters of Meaning, an event organized by the GReG (Groupe de Rèflexion sur les Grammaires) linguistics research group in the Language Department of the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre on November 19-20, 2010. The book addresses the description of meaning construction processes, and the necessity for new linguistic interface-tools to analyze it in its dynamic and multi-dimensional aspect. Syntax, grammar, prosody, discourse organization, subjective and situational filters are (...)
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  30. Intonation.Martine Grice - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 5--778.
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  31. The terasem mind uploading experiment.Martine Rothblatt - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):141-158.
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    Le mariage de Calepin et du Thesaurus, sous l'olivier de Robert Estienne, à Genève, en 1553.Martine Furno - 2001 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 63 (3):511-532.
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    Mediation, Immediacy, and Time.Brian John Martine - 1987 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 1 (4):270 - 279.
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  34. Reflective equilibrium and empirical data: Third person moral experiences in empirical medical ethics.Evert Leeuwen Martine de Vrievans - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    In ethics, the use of empirical data has become more and more popular, leading to a distinct form of applied ethics, namely empirical ethics. This 'empirical turn' is especially visible in bioethics. There are various ways of combining empirical research and ethical reflection. In this paper we discuss the use of empirical data in a special form of Reflective Equilibrium (RE), namely the Network Model with Third Person Moral Experiences. In this model, the empirical data consist of the moral experiences (...)
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    La déprise de soi chez Maître Eckhart.Martine Méheut - 2023 - Paris: Éditions des Crépuscules.
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  36. An argument from transtemporal identity for subject-body dualism.Martine Nida-Rumelin - 2010 - In Robert C. Koons & George Bealer (eds.), The waning of materialism. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility.Martine Pécharman - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):191-218.
    Kenelm Digby’s Two Treatises, of the Nature of Bodies and of the Nature of Mans Soule defends quite an idiosyncratic approach to mind-body dualism. In his use of the divisibility argument to prove that the human soul cannot be a material substance, Digby takes an uncompromising stand for merely potential material parts. In his Treatise of Bodies the present article focuses on the mode of construction of the definition of quantity as divisibility and on its links to two distinct fundamental (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Grasping phenomenal properties.Martine Nida-Rümelin - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter (eds.), Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    1 Grasping Properties I will present an argument for property dualism. The argument employs a distinction between having a concept of a property and grasping a property via a concept. If you grasp a property P via a concept C, then C is a concept of P. But the reverse does not hold: you may have a concept of a property without grasping that property via any concept. If you grasp a property, then your cognitive relation to that property is (...)
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    « Une pensée métaphysique si subtile ». La défense par Bayle du plaisir comme bonheur.Martine Pécharman - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 109 (2):253-286.
    La critique dont a été l’objet de la part d’Arnauld la proposition de Malebranche les plaisirs des sens rendent heureux a été à l’origine d’une longue argumentation de Bayle afin de démontrer, contre Arnauld, que la propriété de « rendre heureux » attribuée par Malebranche aux plaisirs sensibles a pour fondement leur spiritualité : les plaisirs des sens ne sont pas matériels. Cet article examine la manière dont Bayle parvient à ruiner la catégorisation des plaisirs en corporels et intellectuels, ou (...)
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    Two Cosmopolitan Paradoxes: The Productive Role of ‘conflict’ in Kant and Nietzsche’s Cosmopolitan Theories.Martine Prange - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 815-826.
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    Increasing Returns and Economic Efficiency.Martine Quinzii - 1992 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Increasing returns to scale is an area in economics that has recently become the focus of much attention. While most firms operate under constant or decreasing return to scale on their relevant range of production, some firms produce goods or services with a technology which exhibits increasing returns to scale at levels of production which are large relative to the market. These goods are an important component of economic activity in a modern economy and are typically commodities produced either by (...)
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  42. Queer Nations: Marginal Sexualities in the Maghreb.Martine Antle & Jarrod Hayes - 2004 - Substance 33 (2):159.
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    The long goodbye: Hugo Grotius’ justification of Dutch expansion overseas, 1615–1645.Martine Julia van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):386-411.
    This article examines Grotius’ lifelong support for Dutch expansion overseas. As noted in other publications of mine, Grotius cooperated closely with the directors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the years 1604–1615. Right up to his arrest for high treason in August 1618, he contributed towards Dutch government discussions about the establishment of a West India Company (WIC). Three years of imprisonment at Loevestein Castle and, following his escape, long years of exile could not weaken his dedication to (...)
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    Meditation and mindfulness.Martine Batchelor - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):157-164.
    In this article I share some of my experiences of practising Korean Zen meditation and how, without ever mentioning the word ‘mindfulness,’ this practice helps us to become mindful. This leads me to suggest that the main ingredients of Buddhist meditation are samatha (which I will translate here as ‘concentration’) and vipassanā (which I will call ‘experiential enquiry’). No matter which Buddhist tradition one follows, the practice of samatha and vipassanā will lead to the cultivation of mindfulness. I also intend (...)
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    Vedanā or Feeling Tone: A Practical and Contemporary Meditative Exploration.Martine Batchelor - 2018 - Contemporary Buddhism 19 (1):54-68.
    This paper will attempt to establish a framework for the term vedanā. Then it will present the range of the different feeling tones: pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. It will point out that ‘neutral’ feeling tone can be defined in different ways as either non-existing, indeterminate, indifference or the beginning of equanimity. Following this, vedanā will be discussed in the context of the five nāma factors: contact, feeling-tone, perception, intention and attention. This paper will suggest that mindfulness can be of benefit (...)
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    Signes et significations du « crétin » et de l’« idiot » dans la clinique médicopédagogique et psychopédagogique en Suisse.Martine Ruchat - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (2):59-68.
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    L'invention d'une nouvelle sequence rituelle de mariage.Martine Segalen - 2005 - Hermes 43:159.
    Reconnaissant l'importance des rites dans les sociétés contemporaines, l'article s'efforce de comprendre pourquoi s'est développée une nouvelle séquence rituelle inscrite dans le processus du mariage. L'enterrement de vie de jeune fille, attesté depuis la fin des années 1980, est associé à la transformation de la place de la femme, dans ses rapports avec la famille, la société et la sexualité. Comme autrefois l'enterrement de vie de garçon, celui de la jeune fille marque symboliquement l'abandon du vagabondage sexuel et amoureux. Cette (...)
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  48. What Mary couldn't know: Belief about phenomenal states.Martine Nida-Rumelin - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh. pp. 219--41.
  49. Self-Awareness.Martine Nida-Rümelin - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (1):55-82.
    Is a subject who undergoes an experience necessarily aware of undergoing the experience? According to the view here developed, a positive answer to this question should be accepted if ‘awareness’ is understood in a specific way, - in the sense of what will be called ‘primitive awareness’. Primitive awareness of being experientially presented with something involves, furthermore, being pre-reflectively aware of oneself as an experiencing subject. An argument is developed for the claims that pre-reflective self-awareness is the basis of our (...)
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    Cudworth on Self-Consciousness and the I Myself.Martine Pécharman - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (3-4):287-314.
    In the last two decades, Ralph Cudworth has been acknowledged as one of the paramount figures in the history of theories of consciousness. This paper discusses the interpretation defended by Udo Thiel and Vili Lähteenmäki. Both contend that, for Cudworth, the reflexivity defining consciousness does not constitute self-consciousness, which, they say, requires self-determination for practical ends. On the contrary, I argue that for Cudworth any degree of consciousness implies a species of self-perception that must be considered a degree of self-consciousness. (...)
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